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Welcome to the Garfield PTSA!

Garfield PTSA Logo


Meetings & Membership

Monthly Meetings
We meet at 7 p.m. on the third Wednesday of each month in the LRC

• Sept 18 - FIRST MEETING!
• Oct. 16
• Nov. 20
•  Jan. 15
• Feb. 19
• March 19
• April 16
• May 21


Join the Garfield PTSA today and help support everything we do for our school community! Dues are only $7 per person and student members get in FREE to both PTSA sponsored dances (a $10 value!)

Look for us online at


2023-24 Officers

Co-Presidents: Katie Collins & Kristen Moran

First VP (Dances):  Kate Schwab

Second VP (Fundraising):  OPEN

Third VP (Membership):  OPEN

Recording Secretary:  Nora Black

Corresponding Secretary: 
Curtis Powell

Treasurer:  Cindy Costello

Council Delegate:  Tara Funk

Reflections Chair:  OPEN

Volunteers are always welcome and needed! Even if you just have a few hours, it all helps. 

Email us at
Visit Us on social media:
Facebook:  @GarfieldMiddleSchoolPTSA 
Instagram:  @GarfieldLkwdPTSA